Phasmophobia Hotfix v011.0.3

An image featuring the Phasmophobia logo on the left and the word HOTFIX on the right.

Welcome back, Ghost Hunters. We’ve got an update for you.

Today, we’ve released small update to Phasmophobia on all platforms which aims to deliver some fixes to a few pressing issues we’ve had reported by the community.

Below you’ll find today’s patch notes. As you continue your investigations in Phasmophobia, if you encounter bugs, issues or simply have feedback for our team, please use the dedicated channels in the official Phasmophobia Discord.


  • With this latest patch, we have increased the resolution of all textures for those of you playing on PlayStation VR2, which aims to create a smoother experience for all VR2 players.


Xbox Series

  • Fixed an issue that would prevent players joining multiplayer games when encountering the ‘Bad Username’ error message.

Xbox Series/PlayStation:

  • Fixed an issue that would cause Phasmophobia to crash when playing on Point Hope.

All Platforms:

  • Optimised memory usage on Point Hope

If you experience any issues or want to give feedback, please join the official Phasmophobia Discord:


The Kinetic Games Team


Announcing: Phasmophobia - Winter’s Jest


Crimson Eye - Phasmophobia Hotfix v011.0.2